Monday, August 7, 2017

Diet And Neuropathy Again!

Today's post from (see link below) sounds a little 'preachy' in tone and as it goes against most neuropathy patients' need for 'comfort foods' to give us a lift, it may not be well-received. However, preachy it may be but it's an area of our health we can actually exercise some control over. As the article suggests; keep a food diary for a short time (a short time is more than a week by the way!!) and alongside that, keep a diary of how you feel. If it seems that your symptoms are improving then you may be onto a winner. Worth a try? How bad's your pain!!

Neuropathy and Your Diet!
By Lussy January 23, 2016

”Why do I just feel so lousy all the time?”

This is something that unfortunately is becoming more rather than less common in our NeuropathyDR clinics.

You see, there is a tendency now for people not to prepare or consume fresh foods, especially vegetables. Too often, fast food works its way into our diets.

As for people with peripheral neuropathy and chronic pain, this is like pouring gasoline on fire!

The reason for this is that poor food choices raise blood fats and blood sugars. When blood sugar is increased, some of the sugar molecules tend to attach to proteins; proteins like those that help make up our muscles and skin.

This then leads to achiness, stiffness, and quite possibly inflammation. For the peripheral neuropathy sufferer, regardless of the cause this typically poor diet seems to make it worse.

Increased sugar consumption in addition to aggravating your underlying neuropathy, will cause you to gain weight, lose energy and sleep more poorly.

The good news is however when you make deliberate changes to when and how you are eating, you often times will find yourself feeling better than ever!

So, how do we do this without becoming overwhelmed?

The simplest way to do this is to keep a food diary or record for a week. Keep track of everything you consume. You may be shocked at how much sugar is in things like soda, ice cream, and other things that may have become a staple for your diet.

You, like most neuropathy patients probably know you should be eating better.

When neuropathy patients write all this down, changes are much easier for us to help you with.

Always remember, neuropathy is often times a manifestation, or made worse by poor metabolism, secondary to poor diet and lack of enough activity.

Improving both of these can often improve most forms of peripheral neuropathy!

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