Saturday, August 5, 2017

Neuropathic Pain And Sadness Vid

Today's video is one of a larger series made by Andy Bailey, who is a multiple sclerosis patient with a great attitude to his disease and life in general. You may not agree with some of his conclusions regarding his neuropathic pain but much of what he says is definitely close to what many of us think. There is something uplifting about this video and the guy's sense of humour and you won't be wasting five and a half minutes of your life watching it. Maybe more people could consider putting their experiences of living with neuropathy onto video - there's no doubt that seeing how other people deal with it helps us put our own problems in perspective a bit more.

Neuropathic pain and sadness... multiplesclerosis
Andy Bailey: Published on 22 Jan 2013

Do you get neurological pain? What is that about? also, brain fog and how I combat MS induced depression/sadness

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