Monday, June 26, 2017

Cataract Clouds of the eye


EYES Cataract
Clouds of the eye
In olden days, aged people who suffered fromcataract led the rest of their life being blind. Now, in the anti-ageing era (?), everyone should thank scientific development in surgical manipulation for lighting up the vision and thus one’s life. Cataract is one of the most common complaints of vision problems of people over 50 years of age. Nowadays it is also the commonest surgery among aged persons with the maximum results.
Cataract is the disease of the lens in the eyes, where the clear lens loses its transparency and focusing quality due to ageing or disease or trauma. Cataract is a cloudy opaque area forming in the lens, involving the centre or periphery in one eye or both eyes. Cataract in aged persons is due to the ageing process and usually occurs in both eyes.
Lens – Lens is a form of skin (which is developed from skin ectoderm during embryological development) which is a colourless (not white), biconvex and crystalline material situated just behind the pupil of the eye. It is made up of protein and water which is arranged as a lot of fibres in dense layers. The central part of the lens is called nucleus and the peripheral part is called cortex. Its size is about 9 mm in diameter and 4 mm in thickness. Even though it is a type of skin, it has no blood supply. Its nourishment and oxygen come from aqueous humour (optically transparent watery suspension behind the lens) and auto oxidation of lens protein (glutathione is oxidised by beta crystalline) which help in metabolism.
The lens help in convergence of the light rays which pass through them for forming the image in the retina. The lens is also very important for focusing on the object. The coagulation of the proteins in the lens due to the ageing process (loss of oxidation process) or diseases may cause cataract.
Occurrence and incidence – It occurs irrespective of race and sex, after the age of 50. Incidence is more in people with diabetes.
Types of cataract – Cataract can be classified as
Nuclear cataract – Also termed as hard cataract where opacity is in the centre of the lens i.e. it is sclerosis of the nucleus. The periphery part remains transparent. It is sometimes visualised as brown or black due to melanin deposition. This type takes a very long time to get matured.
Cortical cataract – Also termed as soft cataract where the glare is the very first complaint. This form of cataract easily gets matured in about 6 months to one year.
Triggers of cataract: Even though there are lots of thoughts about the triggers of cataract, the ultimate reason or exact cause remains unknown. Researchers have not succeeded yet in knowing the cause of cataract and mechanism of its formation. But correlation shows ageing and deficiency of vitamins and minerals can cause cloudy and opaque cataract. Cataracts tend to grow slowly, so vision gets lessened gradually which finally leads to complete loss of vision when it gets fully matured.
The main triggers are:
A) Internal factors
  • Senile cataract or age-related cataract are developed due to coagulation of lens protein and defective oxidation process of lens
  • Cataract due to deficiency of glutathione, beta crystalline, riboflavin and vitamin C
  • Congenital cataract : In this case, cataract forms either due to infection of German measles or vitamin deficiencies during pregnancy.
  • Systemic illness – Cataract incidence rate shows drastic increase in diabetic patients, due to metabolic disturbances.
B) External factors
  • Trauma – Cataract can develop immediately after an eye injury or later on slowly.
  • Irritants- Smoke, acid fumes, etc.
  • Radiation
  • Drugs – Steroidal drugs may cause cataract.
C) Infections of the eyes spreading inside involving the lens due to delayed treatment or maltreatment will also cause cataract formation
D) Genetic – It is also found to run in families.
Symptoms of cataract
  • Cloudy vision – as if seeing through a fog or vision will be like washout images
  • Glaring of sunlight, lamps and it is mostly noticed at the time of crossing the road and night driving
  • Rainbow colours or haziness or circular ring can be seen surrounding the light.
  • Needs more light for better vision, in initial period of cataract
Effects of cataract
  • Losing self-confidence – depression may develop.
  • Losing independent movement – achievements and self work will get disturbed.
Diagnosis can be made easily by an eye check-up. You yourself can diagnose it when you see the opaque white or grayish white thing in the pupa. Ophthalmologist diagnoses it clearly with its type and management, with the help of ophthalmoscope and slit lamp examination after dilating pupils with atropine. With Refraction Chart Test and Tonometer (which helps in analysis of eye pressure) diagnosis and its complications can be made very clear.
Regular check-up of eye, blood pressure and sugar is mostly enough for ruling out its risk factors and sometimes culture of conjunctiva discharges may be done to rule out bacterial infection.
Prevention of cataract: Since we don’t know the exact cause, prevention also seems to be difficult for us. But it is better to avoid and manage the triggering factors. So
  • Steroidal drugs which cause cataract and glaucoma
  • Smoking and smoke
  • Watching TV for a long time
  • Working for a long time on computers.
  • Long and continuous study
  • Direct sunlight or high beam lights
  • Nutritious diet for a healthy life, especially food rich in vitamins A, B and C.
  • Rest with closed eyes for a while, when you are straining more at the computer or reading.
  • Plenty of fluids – water, juices to avoid dehydration and sclerosis.
  • Care of the eye and protect it from infection, dust, UV lights, radiation and injury by wearing sunglasses.
Complications – Infections, glaucoma, blindness and inability to view retina for any retinal diseases especially in case of diabetic retinopathy.
Treatment – There is no specific medicine available for cataract. Recently, most doctors prescribe antioxidants only as a general drug for old age problems, including cataract. The main four antioxidants are beta carotene, vitamins C and E, and the mineral selenium. Antioxidants are present naturally and mostly in grape seeds, corns, turmeric, garlic, sesame seeds, ginger, plums, ginseng, holy basil, olive oil, etc. Antioxidants have proved in scientific research that they can retard or postpone many aspects of the ageing process. But it is only a general drug and not a cure giving drug.
So allopathic treatment mainly depends on surgical manipulations or extraction of the opaque lens and replacing it with a new clear artificial lens i.e. an intraocular lens (IOL). Cataract surgery with IOL is the permanent solution for opaque lens and refraction errors. There is no hard and fast rule for operation so you can take your own relaxed time for operation.
There are different types of surgeries like:
  • Intra capsular cataract surgery – here the lens with capsule is removed – rarely done
  • Extra capsular cataract surgery with implantation of rigid intraocular lens – here the back part of the capsule is left undisturbed.
  • Phaco-emulsification i.e. Micro incisional surgery has the advantages of shorter hospital stay and fewer complications. Phaco-surgery is the most common procedure in developed countries. Here lens is emulsified using laser and a foldable silicon lens is inserted through the minute incision.
Now cataract surgery is very safe and effective, when performed without any risk factors like hypertension, diabetes, glaucoma and eye disorders. Rarely complications occur with pain, redness, swelling due to infection or pressure in eyeballs.
Homoeopathic approach – Betterment is important and not the system or the doctor. In case of cataract diagnosed early, surgeons usually wait till the cataract matures, so that it can be removed easily. Until then, the patient has to suffer with the complaint and its effects and complications.
But in Homeopathy, if you are diagnosed earlier itself as having cataract, you can get started with Homeopathic Cineraria Maritima Succus eye drops, so that you will never go to the surgeon’s table for cataract surgery. Prevention is better than cure – Homeopathy is advantageous over other systems of medicine with this saying in the case of cataract since it proves the ability to prevent and control the progress of cataract.
The earlier you treat, the better your chance of complete recovery or otherwise stopping the progress of the maturation of cataract. Cataract is a structural damage, so reversing cataracts is tough, yet it can be done over time with patience.
If later, when the cataract gets mature, the best way out is surgery and not drops or any medications. If the patient’s health is not fit for surgery, then they can be somewhat (10-20 per cent) benefited with this Cineraria Maritima Succus eye drops. Also, cataract needs to be removed only if it affects the vision so much that it interferes with your day-to-day activities. You can postpone it for any vacation period or your leisure period.
Recent treatment proves no other eye drops can treat or cure cataract other than CMS eye drops. Cataract can be treated in the early stages itself with this eye drops. Early treatment gives the best results. Cineraria Eye Drops – Cineraria Maritima Succus is the only most effective Homeopathic remedy which can increase eye vitality power. It has been used for a long time and proved its efficacy in treating all types of cataracts.
Recently, the Central Council of Research in Homeopathy – CCRH – Government of India, has claimed that Cineraria Maritima Succus surely prevents cataract formation. So, any patient diagnosed with cataract in the early stages by an ophthalmologist, can simply use Cineraria Maritima Succus eye drops twice daily for 6 months to 1 year. They will never let their eyes to be touched by a surgeon’s knife.
Homeopathic Medicines should be taken under the advice and diagnosis of a qualified Homeopath.

for new hope

Dr. S. Chidambaranathan, BHMS, MD (Homeo)
Laxmi Homeo Clinic
24 E. New Mahalipatti Road
Madurai, TN 625 001

Tel:  +91-452-233-8833 | +91-984-319-1011 (Mob)
Fax: +91-452-233-0196
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(Disclaimer: The contents of this column are for informational purpose only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional healthcare advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of healthcare professional for any health problem or medical condition.)

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