Today's post from (see link below) is an interesting one, including a video, about the potential for mercury causing neuropathy. Now you may not immediately think that you're in any danger of absorbing mercury into your system but dental fillings, chemical wastes, pesticides and even vaccines can introduce mercury into your body. Amongst other toxic effects, mercury can attack your nervous system and cause significant nerve damage. There are ways to neutralize any mercury in your system, by eating foods rich in sulfur (see list in the article). An interesting read but remember you have to look at everything you read in perspective and look at your own personal circumstances to see if there's a risk.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Mercury can destroy your digestive system, cause mood swings, irritability, muscle weakness, skin rashes, memory loss, central nervous system damage, and the list goes on. This list does not list all the damage that Mercury can cause to the body, but it gives you a brief overview and can be viewed here:
Please view this week’s video about Mercury. If you are unable to view the video, the text can be viewed below in its entirety. When you are done, be sure to watch the video from Calgary University by clicking here . This video is the coolest in cutting edge medical technology.
Hello, I’m Dr. Ian Rainey with your weekly health tip. This week we are going to talk about Mercury, not to be confused with the planet. Mercury is an element. In fact, it is one of the most toxic substances on Earth and it has many negative effects on the body. Because of this, it has become what many call the great mimicker of many health conditions. It can damage the immune system and the reproductive system. It can also inhibit neurological and cardiovascular health. This video will provide information about the sources of mercury exposure, potential health effects, how to eliminate Mercury and ways to reduce your exposure to mercury.
Sources of mercury include: dental amalgam fillings, hazardous waste, vaccines, pesticides, shellfish, and coal burning power plants
Here are some the things you should know about mercury toxicity.
Mercury is known to denervate nerve fibers. This works in a similar fashion to the way the multiple sclerosis. Essentially, it makes it so the nerves cannot do their job.
Mercury can leak into the blood brain barrier. Not many things can. That is what makes it so toxic and difficult to remove. Once this happens the nerves lose their ability to conduct information and create visual responses.
Mercury can cause depression. It does this by binding to the hormones that make you happy, such as serotonin.
Mercury can cause hearing loss.
Mercury can change your emotions. It does this by decreasing norepinephrine and dopamine activity. This will make you lose excitement and joy for life.
Mercury can cause peripheral neuropathy autoimmunity, recurring sinus problems, prostate issues and gum infection.
Mercury is also at the root of many undiagnosed patients who have chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. One of the most common ways that a patient presents with Mercury toxicity is with a terrible burning sensation and pain that seems to migrate to different areas.
All of these symptoms resemble nerve damage. But the medical community looks for nerve damage with things like EMG’s, nerve conduction tests and MRI’s. You are never going to find any mercury toxicity with these tests.
As a result, out of confusion and an inability to find the solution, health professionals begin diagnosing things like erythromelalgia, fibromyalgia, idiopathic pain syndrome and neurosis.
Out of this confusion came an answer. We now are able to test for mercury toxicity in the body with a simple urine test. I do offer this test for patients who exhibit many of the signs of mercury toxicity.
So now you may be wondering what you can do to reduce the mercury load on your body. You should eat foods that are high in sulfur. This would include things like kale, horseradish, collards, cilantro, watercress, cabbage and broccoli. You should also include foods that have cysteine. This includes oats, chicken and red peppers because they contain metallothionein. Metallothionin is a natural chelator that will help eliminate mercury from the body. Even chlorophyll is a natural chelator! So don’t forget to eat your green veggies.
If you can’t seem to stomach all of these foods, there are special vitamins and supplements that combine the best of all natural chelators to help you eliminate the mercury in your body. Those are available at my office or at the Good Earth.
I want to thank Joe Buishas and and Dr. Ron Grisanti for providing material, as well as the University of Calgary for the video explaining how Mercury causes nerve damage to the brain. Please watch this extra video if you have the time. It is amazing to see how Mercury actually destroys your nervous system.
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