Streaming Down Tears
EYES – Streaming Down Tears
Streaming down tears is medically termed as “Epiphora”. This distracted / turbulent flow will usually immerse our eyes in tears to cause blurriness, disturbing visual acuity all the time rather than giving any pain. Usually cry wets cheeks, but streaming down of tears over cheeks is also seen even while simple yawning, sneezing, laughing, coughing, vomiting, etc. Likewise, while taking very hot fluid or chilly foods, tears seems to overflow. These reactions are quite normal and require no treatment, since facial muscles compresses lachrymal gland to let out tears, during grimaces of face. But recurrent flow due to recurrent sneezing, allergic rhinitis and nervous disorders which distorts the appearance of face permanently due to paralysis should be treated accordingly, or otherwise, it will keep roll on always.
INCIDENCES & CAUSES – Tears problem are often seen in persons
- Who wears contact lenses
- Who works more with computers
- Who reads books continuously for hours together
- Who lacks vitamin A – either from food or from absorption
- Who is suffering often with in-growing eyelashes or parasites in eye lashes
- Who suffers with degenerative auto immune disorders, diabetes, dehydration, etc
- In elderly persons, where wrinkles or losing skin texture makes lower eye lid to hang loosely to drop out tears in cheeks instead of directing them into nose through normal stream.
Overflowing tears may be a sign of
- Emotional upset, great excitement, painful condition
- Sensitive eye to sparkling lights or dusts
- Exposure to chemicals, irritants or allergens, temperature variation, etc
- Dry eyes – to compensate the dryness, tears secretion will be increased naturally
- Clogged lachrymal duct – stricture or obstruction in the duct or from outside (nose)
- Lack of punctum i.e. lachrymal duct opening in the eye – congenital (from birth)
- Allergic Rhinitis involving eye
- Neurological lesions involving facial muscles i.e. Bel’s palsy, herpes zoster infection
- Nasal polyps / tumour
- Eye lid problems like Styes and Chalazion
DIAGNOSIS – Opthalmologist can easily diagnose the complaint with simple eye examination. First they rule out dry eye, then allergic tendencies and then nasal causes, etc. To derive accurate diagnosis, following tests may be necessary.
- Probe test to rule out obstruction of the lachrymal duct
- Culture and sensitivity tests of the tears to rule out infection and inflammation
- Routine blood tests to rule out infection and inflammation
- Absolute Eosinophil count to rule out the allergic tendencies
PREVENTION – Keeping eyes clean with hygienic measures will always prevent one from further bouts.
- Wash eyes with cold water at least 4 times / day
- Wipe tears with clean kerchief or towel
- Massage upper area of the nose where it joins inner angle of eye to improve flow
- Take Vit A rich foods (cod liver oil, carrot, milk, plenty of green leafy vegetables, fruits juices etc.), since Vit A plays a vital role in normal vision and immunological defense mechanisms.
- Wear cooling glasses when get exposed to direct sunlight or bright glaring lights or stormy wind
- Sleep at least 6 hours per day
- Treat cold, nasal allergy / complaints accordingly then and there
- Squeezing eyes with hand
- Looking at direct sunlight or bright glaring lights
- Smoking and snuffing
- Exposure to dust, irritants, chemical fumes, stormy wind, etc
- Using cosmetics in eye lids
- Using strong soaps & strong shampoos
GENERAL TREATMENT – For streaming down tears, mostly doctors concentrates towards allergic reaction and they provide anti-histamine drugs widely. If there is any infection or redness, they will provide antibiotic eye drops / tablets for a course of time. If there is any block in pathway i.e. in lachrymal duct, or adjacently pressing the duct (nasal polyp or tumour), then they will go for surgical procedure for regaining free flow.
If the over secretion is due to allergic reactions, then tendency for allergy should be treated than dilating the ducts. Without treating the cause, suppressing the allergic tendency with anti-histamine drugs will work for that day only and it is not at all the right treatment for overflowing tears. If the tendency to allergy is rooted out, then overflowing tears can be cured once for all. Homoeopathy provides it with out any side-effects. The objective of taking treatment should provide comfort in all means, but not with suppressed nature. If the cause is due to infective adhesions, or stricture, homeopathic medicines can address it very well, but in case of congenital lack of opening, surgical correction may be only way.
Homeopathy gives importance to patients feeling also, while selecting drug, i.e., feeling burning pain, tenderness, feeling of air blowing in the eyes, feeling as if sand in the eyes, etc.
With most apt drug, Homeopathy can stream line the tears flow and can revert overflowing tears to normalcy without drying up and controls infection by enhancing immune power.
Homeopathic medicines commonly used for overflowing tears are Acid nit, Acid flour, Apis mel, Borax, Cal carb, Euphrasia, Graphites, Hepar sulph, Mer cor, Nat mur, Petroleum, Physostigma, Pulsastilla, Rhus tox, Ruta, Silicea, Staphysagria, Sulphur, Thuja, etc. These Medicines should be taken under the advice and diagnosis of a qualified Homeopath.
for new hope
Dr. S. Chidambaranathan, BHMS, MD (Homeo)
Laxmi Homeo Clinic
24 E. New Mahalipatti Road
Madurai, TN 625 001
Tel: +91-452-233-8833 | +91-984-319-1011 (Mob)
Fax: +91-452-233-0196
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(Disclaimer: The contents of this column are for informational purpose only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional healthcare advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of healthcare professional for any health problem or medical condition.)
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