Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Anticonvulsants And Neuropathy

Finding the right sort of treatment for neuropathic problems is often a question of following the accepted route through medications until you find something that works for you. Today's short post from (see link below) talks about anticonvulsants in relation to pain control. Anticonvulsants (commonly known as drugs for epilepsy) are one group of medications that have helped many people. At the same time, many people have also noted no improvement, or have reacted badly to the side effects. It's a question of discussing the pros and cons carefully with your doctor and then his or her close monitoring of how you respond to those drugs. Carbamazepine and Gabapentin are the most well-known and there are other articles here on the blog about both types of anti-convulsant.

Treating the Chronic Pain Patient with Anticonvulsants

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