Monday, July 31, 2017


Aortitis is the inflammation of the aortic wall. The disorder is potentially life-threatening and rare. It is reported that there are only 1-3 new cases of aortitis per year per million people in the United States and Europe.  Aortitis is most common in people 10 to 40 years of age.
This inflammation has a number of possible causes, including trauma, viral or bacterial  infections (notably, syphilis), and certain immune disorders and connective tissue diseases
Aortitis is most commonly seen in patients with syphilis, autoimmune vasculitis, giant cell arteritis, Takayasu's arteritis and rheumatoid arthritis. IgG4-related disease is a more recently identified cause of aortitis and periaortitis
There is a wide range of symptoms that are dependent on the location of the aortic inflammation or associated disorder. A few symptoms recognized in patients are fever, chills,muscle pains, and malaise (general discomfort). In addition, hypertension (high blood pressure) may occur. Hypertension happens when the renal artery narrows and elasticity of the aorta and branches decrease
ANTIMONIUM ARS 3X- Aortitis with inflammation of the eyes and puffiness of the  face and cough with mucus secretion
ARSENICUM ALB 30- Aortitis in the ulcerative stage
ARSENICUM IODIDE 30-- Chronic ioditis. Profound prostration and emaciation. Pulse is rapid
AURUM ARS 30- A best remedy for chronic aortitis and stenosis of aorta as an effect of syphilis. The first effect of this remedy is to cause rapid increase of appetite
CHINNIUM ARS 30- Aortitis with periodical asthmatic attacks which cause great prostration . It acts as a tonic with beneficial and prompt effect
CRATAEGUS Q-Aortitis with insomnia, anemia and extreme weakness. Sudden attacks of hemoptysis of frothy bright red blood and salty taste
LYCOPODIUM 200- Aortitis due to arteriosclerosis
STROPHANTHUS Q-Aortitis due to arteriosclerosis in the aged persons. It has a great beneficial effect on the heart muscles and valves

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