Monday, July 24, 2017


Cervical spondylosis is a general term for age-related wear and tear affecting the spinal disks in your neck. As the disks dehydrate and shrink, signs of osteoarthritis develop, including bony projections along the edges of bones (bone spurs).
Cervical spondylosis is very common and worsens with age. More than 85 percent of people older than age 60 are affected by cervical spondylosis.
Most people experience no symptoms from these problems. When symptoms do occur, nonsurgical treatments often are effective.
Causes--As you age, the bones and cartilage that make up your backbone and neck gradually develop wear and tear. These changes can include:
Dehydrated disks. Disks act like cushions between the vertebrae of your spine. By the age of 40, most people's spinal disks begin drying out and shrinking, which allows more bone-on-bone contact between the vertebrae.
Herniated disks. Age also affects the exterior of your spinal disks. Cracks often appear, leading to bulging (herniated) disks — which sometimes can press on the spinal cord and nerve roots.
Bone spurs. Disk degeneration often results in the spine producing extra amounts of bone in a misguided effort to strengthen the spine. These bone spurs can sometimes pinch the spinal cord and nerve roots.
Stiff ligaments. Ligaments are cords of tissue that connect bone to bone. Spinal ligaments can stiffen with age, making your neck less flexible.
Symptoms--For most people cervical spondylosis causes no symptoms. When symptoms do occur, they typically include pain and stiffness in the neck.
Sometimes, cervical spondylosis results in a narrowing of the space needed by the spinal cord and the nerve roots that pass through the spine to the rest of your body. If the spinal cord or nerve roots become pinched, you might experience:
·         Tingling, numbness and weakness in your arms, hands, legs or feet
·         Lack of coordination and difficulty walking
·         Loss of bladder or bowel control

PHOSPHORIC ACID 30—Phosphoric acid is one of the top remedies for cervical spondylosis. Paralytic weakness along spine. Formication along spine. Boring pain between scapulae. Pain in back and limbs as if beaten.

CIMCIFUGA RACEMOSA 30—Cimcifuga is another effective remedy for cervical spondylosis. There is stiffness and contraction in neck muscles causing the neck stiff. Neck pain , throws the head back. Spine very sensitive, especially the upper part. Stiff neck , pain worse sensitive worse pressure. Pain in the angle of left scapula.

GUAICUM 30-Guaicum is the best homeopathic medicines for cervical spondylosis when there is severe pain in the neck along with rigidity .Pain from head to neck. Aching in nape. Stiff neck and sore shoulders. Stitches between the scapulae to occiput. One sided stiffness of back from neck to sacrum.

LACHNANTHES 30-Lachnanthes is the top homeopathic medicines for cervical spondylosis when the neck pain is due to rheumatism of neck . The neck is drawn more towards one side and there is marked stiffness in the neck.Chilliness  between the shoulder blades. Sensation between the shoulder blades as if wet with cold perspiration.

RHUS TOX 30-Rhus tox is another effective remedy for cervical spondylitis. Rhus tox is the best Homeopathic medicines for cervical spondylosis when there is marked stiffness and pain in the neck on waking up in the morning . This medicine is more for cases where the pain in the neck aggravates after periods of rest.

COCCULUS INDICUS 30-  Weak neck, cannot hold up head. Pain in shoulder and arms as if bruised. Stiffness on moving shoulders.  Cracking of cervical vertebrae.

CAUSTICUM 30- Dull pain in nape of neck. Stiffness of  neck or back on rising from a chair, could scarcely move the head. Cervical spondylitis with uncontrollable  frequent urination.

DULCAMARA 30—Pain in small of the back as after long stooping. Stiffness and lameness across the neck and shoulders after getting cold or wet.

THERIDION 30-Degeneration of the spinal cord causes vertigo. Worse closing the eyes.

GELSEMIUM 30-Neck feels bruised , unable to hold the head. Pain in neck, especially upper sternocleido muscles. Heaviness of head.Lack of muscle coordination and difficulty in walking.

KALI IODIDE 30-Kali iodide is also a good remedy for cervical spondylitis with numbness , worse at night.


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