Friday, June 30, 2017
Red Tent Temple Movement
Should Older People Take Advantage Of Available Vaccines
Today's post from (see link below) may seem slightly off-topic as far as this blog is concerned but actually, very little publicity is given to the fact that vaccinations can be very useful for adults with other conditions, as well as children. It's important to know which vaccinations are available and whether they're available in your area. As far as neuropathy patients are concerned, the so-called shingles vaccine is generally available to older people but possibly not publicised because of rising costs in health sectors - nevertheless, it's an important vaccine if you've had or are susceptible to shingles and/or neuropathy. Other vaccines mentioned here may also be of interest to people living with neuropathy - discuss it with your doctor.
By ALYSSA HARVEY Aug 23, 2015
When many people think of immunizations, they automatically assume they are strictly for kids, but adults need them as well.
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the more people who are vaccinated, the lower the possible risk of anyone’s exposure to vaccine-preventable diseases.
“The challenge is keeping up with vaccines that you’ve had. People forget it’s important to keep track,” said Julie Anderson, practice manager at the Glasser Clinic.
“That’s one of the advantages of having a family doctor because we keep track of that.”
Being immunized is important even as people grow older, said Dr. Jayashree Seshadri, an internist and employee health physician at The Medical Center.
“As you get older your immunity comes down and you’re susceptible to all kinds of illnesses,” she said.
Many vaccinations will provide a booster effect, Anderson said.
“The immunity doesn’t always last forever,” she said.
World travelers need to be immunized, Anderson said.
“If somebody’s traveling to an area of the world where they might have more or different diseases than we have here then you can get vaccinations for them,” she said.
A lot of people are asking for the whooping cough vaccine, Anderson said. The whooping cough immunization, which is part of the tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis vaccine, also known as Tdap, is recommended by the CDC to be gotten in one dose and then a booster dose every 10 years.
“Sometimes kids get whooping cough, but we have a mild infection and give it to kids who have not been immunized,” said Seshadri. “It’s very important when you’re around a newborn child you are immunized for the whooping cough.”
People also ask about the shingles vaccine, Anderson said.
“If you’ve had chicken pox as a child, you’re more prone to get shingles as an adult. (Vaccines) may prevent that. No vaccination is 100 percent guaranteed,” she said. “Check with your insurance carrier to see what vaccinations they cover. Medicare covers shingles vaccine in a pharmacy setting only, and that’s in an attempt to save costs. You have to have a prescription for that.”
The shingles vaccine is recommended for people 60 and older, but the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved them for ages 50 and older, Seshadri said.
“The only problem is that it is a live virus vaccine, so you have to talk to your doctor about whether or not to get it,” she said.
Fever and stress can cause the dormant chicken pox to become shingles. Complications from shingles include painful lesions and nerve pain called neuropathy that lasts after the lesions heal.
“The older you get, the opportunity of getting shingles is higher. The vaccine is designed to prevent the flare ups,” she said.
“Even if you get the flare ups they’re not as severe as they could be.”
Another vaccine elderly people over 65 should think about is for pneumonia, which can cause complications and death. Younger people with certain health conditions – including diabetes, heart failure, sickle cell disease and HIV – may also be recommended to be immunized. The vaccine is given in two doses, Seshadri said. One of them has been developed in the last two years.
“Even if you were vaccinated with the old vaccine, it’s important to think about the new vaccine,” she said.
It is vital to have flu shots every year, Seshadri and Anderson agreed.
“We know that flu is a contagious infection,” she said. “It can be mild or severe and sometimes causes death.”
Other vaccines Seshadri recommended include a tetanus shot every 10 years; the meningitis shot, particularly for those who will live in a college residence hall; and the human papillomavirus shot.
“We’re trying to catch them as kids, but if you are not vaccinated you can get them as adults,” she said of the human papillomavirus vaccine.
— For more information about adult vaccination schedules, visit the CDC website at
— Follow features reporter Alyssa Harvey on Twitter at or visit
Trimesters In Pregnancy
Pregnancy Trimesters And Weeks
Pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks, and has three phases or stages; the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimesters. Early symptoms of pregnancy may include constipation, headache .What are the changes that happen to a woman's body during the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimester of her pregnancy? Body aches Breast changes.Pregnancy Length Months Weeks Days Trimesters Convertor Calculator How long does pregnancy last? Pregnancy is 9 months long divided into three trimesters Most health .Pregnancy massage therapy and labour support doula - services for prospective parents, postgraduate training for registered massage therapists..A normal, full-term pregnancy is divided into three trimesters. Each trimester lasts between weeks. Learn what happens during each trimester..Pregnancy stages are the three trimesters during which your baby progresses from an embryo to a fetus, to the time it is born as a recognizable tiny human..Your body and your developing baby change trimester by trimester. Read about your pregnancy trimesters here..Pregnancy has three trimesters, each of which is marked by specific fetal developments. A pregnancy is considered full-term at 40 weeks; infants delivered before the .In general, the average pregnancy lasts 40 weeks and is divided into three periods of time, called trimesters. The first trimester lasts until week 13, the second .Come walk through all three trimesters of pregnancy as each is unique in how the changes are in your body and with your baby..
![First 1st Trimester Of Pregnancy First 1st Trimester Of Pregnancy](
First 1st Trimester Of Pregnancy
Pregnancy Weight Gain By Trimester Chart
Pregnancy massage therapy and labour support doula - services for prospective parents, postgraduate training for registered massage therapists..Pregnancy stages are the three trimesters during which your baby progresses from an embryo to a fetus, to the time it is born as a recognizable tiny human..Pregnancy has three trimesters, each of which is marked by specific fetal developments. A pregnancy is considered full-term at 40 weeks; infants delivered .In general, the average pregnancy lasts 40 weeks and is divided into three periods of time, called trimesters. The first trimester lasts until week 13, the second .What are the changes that happen to a woman's body during the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimester of her pregnancy? Body aches Breast changes.Pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks, and has three phases or stages; the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimesters. Early symptoms of pregnancy may include constipation, headache .Pregnancy Length Months Weeks Days Trimesters Convertor Calculator How long does pregnancy last? Pregnancy is 9 months long divided into three trimesters Most .A normal, full-term pregnancy is divided into three trimesters. Each trimester lasts between weeks. Learn what happens during each trimester..Come walk through all three trimesters of pregnancy as each is unique in how the changes are in your body and with your baby..Your body and your developing baby change trimester by trimester. Read about your pregnancy trimesters here..
Back to the weed
Although we've covered the benefits of Cannabis before on this blog, every now and then you come across a new angle or article which gives you a little bit more information to help your decision-making.
This article comes from The Washington Post and is too long to put into a single post here but is definitely worth clicking on the 'read more' link to learn about the many unforeseen qualities cannabis may have.
Form of medical marijuana won't get you high, but it's creating a buzz----------------------------------------------------------------------
By Karl Vick
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
WILLITS, CALIF. -- The one-armed man loitered in the waiting room for much of the morning, flipping through magazines with impressive dexterity, quietly waiting for word that the doctor would see him. Now.
William Courtney, MD, offered the chair to the right of the desk, the one occupied during regular office hours by a steady stream of patients seeking a doctor's recommendation for marijuana. In California, such a recommendation means an adult may grow, buy and smoke marijuana, all while remaining safely within the confines of state law.
The singular peculiarity of Courtney's "pot doc" practice here in Northern California is what he recommends: Don't smoke the stuff, he tells patients. Eat it.
Marijuana, he avers to every person who appears before him, turns out to be brimming with healing compounds. It won't get you high eaten raw, but juiced with a handful of carrots to cut the bitter taste, its leaves and buds may well have restored the health of his girlfriend, who had been given a diagnosis of lupus and a butcher's bill of other disorders that lab tests show have subsided. A local sufferer of Crohn's disease credits the plant with helping reverse the debilitating intestinal disorder. And published research from accredited laboratories suggests promise in preventing diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer's, cancers and assorted maladies arising from chronic inflammation.
Yet almost no one knows any of this beyond a handful of scientists, including two at the National Institutes of Health who were sufficiently impressed that they joined a Nobel laureate in patenting a cannabis molecule. Courtney hands a copy of their U.S. Patent 6630507 to occupants of the chair, typically midway through a jargon-rich spiel that sometimes hits the patient right in the wheelhouse and sometimes goes whizzing overhead.
"I have no idea what he's talking about," said the auto mechanic who was in the chair a few minutes earlier, seeking relief for a broken vertebra and a bum knee. "Every once in a while he says something comprehensible."
But now, with no appointment and no right arm, someone was way ahead of him. "The last time we talked you said you had a source for the high-CBD material down by San Diego," the one-armed man began. He was dressed like a workingman but used the chemists' shorthand for cannabidiol, the most promising healing molecule, yet in most of the marijuana bought and sold these days, also the most elusive. CBD tends to show up least in plant strains that are richest in THC, the molecule that produces marijuana's high.
Courtney listened to the man, attentive yet guarded, the standard posture of a licensed medical practitioner operating on the far edge of the frontier where law, medicine and cannabis meet. It is a place in which he is used to being pretty much alone, and after a few minutes, Courtney sat upright and looked his patient in the eye.
"Are you wearing a wire?" the doctor asked.
Click here to
Mercury Can Cause Nerve Damage Vid
Today's post from (see link below) is an interesting one, including a video, about the potential for mercury causing neuropathy. Now you may not immediately think that you're in any danger of absorbing mercury into your system but dental fillings, chemical wastes, pesticides and even vaccines can introduce mercury into your body. Amongst other toxic effects, mercury can attack your nervous system and cause significant nerve damage. There are ways to neutralize any mercury in your system, by eating foods rich in sulfur (see list in the article). An interesting read but remember you have to look at everything you read in perspective and look at your own personal circumstances to see if there's a risk.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Mercury can destroy your digestive system, cause mood swings, irritability, muscle weakness, skin rashes, memory loss, central nervous system damage, and the list goes on. This list does not list all the damage that Mercury can cause to the body, but it gives you a brief overview and can be viewed here:
Please view this week’s video about Mercury. If you are unable to view the video, the text can be viewed below in its entirety. When you are done, be sure to watch the video from Calgary University by clicking here . This video is the coolest in cutting edge medical technology.
Hello, I’m Dr. Ian Rainey with your weekly health tip. This week we are going to talk about Mercury, not to be confused with the planet. Mercury is an element. In fact, it is one of the most toxic substances on Earth and it has many negative effects on the body. Because of this, it has become what many call the great mimicker of many health conditions. It can damage the immune system and the reproductive system. It can also inhibit neurological and cardiovascular health. This video will provide information about the sources of mercury exposure, potential health effects, how to eliminate Mercury and ways to reduce your exposure to mercury.
Sources of mercury include: dental amalgam fillings, hazardous waste, vaccines, pesticides, shellfish, and coal burning power plants
Here are some the things you should know about mercury toxicity.
Mercury is known to denervate nerve fibers. This works in a similar fashion to the way the multiple sclerosis. Essentially, it makes it so the nerves cannot do their job.
Mercury can leak into the blood brain barrier. Not many things can. That is what makes it so toxic and difficult to remove. Once this happens the nerves lose their ability to conduct information and create visual responses.
Mercury can cause depression. It does this by binding to the hormones that make you happy, such as serotonin.
Mercury can cause hearing loss.
Mercury can change your emotions. It does this by decreasing norepinephrine and dopamine activity. This will make you lose excitement and joy for life.
Mercury can cause peripheral neuropathy autoimmunity, recurring sinus problems, prostate issues and gum infection.
Mercury is also at the root of many undiagnosed patients who have chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. One of the most common ways that a patient presents with Mercury toxicity is with a terrible burning sensation and pain that seems to migrate to different areas.
All of these symptoms resemble nerve damage. But the medical community looks for nerve damage with things like EMG’s, nerve conduction tests and MRI’s. You are never going to find any mercury toxicity with these tests.
As a result, out of confusion and an inability to find the solution, health professionals begin diagnosing things like erythromelalgia, fibromyalgia, idiopathic pain syndrome and neurosis.
Out of this confusion came an answer. We now are able to test for mercury toxicity in the body with a simple urine test. I do offer this test for patients who exhibit many of the signs of mercury toxicity.
So now you may be wondering what you can do to reduce the mercury load on your body. You should eat foods that are high in sulfur. This would include things like kale, horseradish, collards, cilantro, watercress, cabbage and broccoli. You should also include foods that have cysteine. This includes oats, chicken and red peppers because they contain metallothionein. Metallothionin is a natural chelator that will help eliminate mercury from the body. Even chlorophyll is a natural chelator! So don’t forget to eat your green veggies.
If you can’t seem to stomach all of these foods, there are special vitamins and supplements that combine the best of all natural chelators to help you eliminate the mercury in your body. Those are available at my office or at the Good Earth.
I want to thank Joe Buishas and and Dr. Ron Grisanti for providing material, as well as the University of Calgary for the video explaining how Mercury causes nerve damage to the brain. Please watch this extra video if you have the time. It is amazing to see how Mercury actually destroys your nervous system.
How To Remember What Causes Neuropathy
Today's video is a sort of visual aide memoire about neuropathy for medical students. The speaker goes over most of the main causes and from this some people may learn something they didn't know. He mentions everything on the I-Pad screen except HIV!
Hallo! HIV...say it...go won't kill you and you can't catch it by saying it. It's amazing and very irritating, how many people are simply embarrassed by the word...even in 2012. Nevertheless, the video shows how difficult neuropathy is to pin down to one sort, or one cause.